Hundreds of lucky public health supporters will get tips on how to upgrade their advocacy work from some of the field’s top policy leaders next week.

APHA’s Policy Action Institute, to be held in Washington, D.C., will feature an all-star lineup of federal, non-profit, academic and student leaders. The sixth annual event will focus on timely issues at the top of public health agenda, including climate change, LGBTQ+ rights and public health authority.

Must-see speakers at the institute will include Robert Califf, MD, commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, who will share insights on policy from inside the Biden administration, and Marc Morial, JD, president and CEO of the National Urban League, who plans to issue a civic call to action in advance of coming U.S. elections.Two experts sitting on chairs talk about public health at the Policy Action Institute event in 2023

Other discussions during the two-day event will center on pending legislation that is critical for U.S. nutrition, challenges and successes in reproductive health policy and approaches to ending racism. Afternoon sessions will feature a dynamic group of youth public health leaders and showcase successful policy innovations at the state level.

“Equipping public health professionals with the tools they need to become stronger at advocacy can help create effective policies that have a lasting impact on public health,” Susan Polan, PhD, APHA’s associate executive director for public affairs and advocacy told The Nation’s Health.

Other can’t-miss leaders speaking at the Policy Action Institute include:

• John Balbus, MD, MPH, director of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Climate Change and Health Equity;

• Former APHA President Camara Jones, MD, PhD, MPH, an adjunct professor at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health;

• Liz Bloom, speechwriter and policy advisor for the White House Domestic Policy Council;

• Claire Borzner, senior professional staff for the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry;

• Katrina Forrest, JD, co-executive director of CityHealth;

• Michelle Fiscus, MD, FAAP, chief medical officer for the Association of Immunization Managers; and

• Kelly Baden, vice president for public policy at the Guttmacher Institute.

Tickets for the in-person Policy Action Institute are almost sold out. But space is available for the digital version of the event on Monday, June 17. In addition to watching live, online participants will be able to engage in virtual networking and replay recordings. Registration discounts are available for APHA members.

Mary Stortstrom contributed to this article.


Photo caption: Two public health experts take part in a discussion during the 2023 Policy Action Institute in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Gayatri Malhorta via Flickr Creative Commons.)